Triumvir Foul
Triumvir Foul

Triumvir Foul - Triumvir Foul

  • Release date: 2015
  • Genre: Metal/Death Metal
  • Format: Cassette
  • Category: metal
  • Duration: 41:48
  • *****
  • Added February 24, 2016
  • Rated February 24, 2016


1. Labyrinthine - The Blood Serpent Unwindsnot rated7:57
2. Profanation (Of the Wicked)not rated3:46
3. Pathways to Decaynot rated4:56
4. Hedonistic Prayer - The Abhorrent Depths of Perversionnot rated3:56
5. The Vomit of the Three Serpents (Usumgallu, Basmu, Musma)not rated4:03
6. Endless Spiritual Violencenot rated3:47
7. Banished to Silence and Slaverynot rated4:11
8. Carnal Spectrenot rated4:10
9. Tower of Basmu - The Corruption of Flesh and Spiritnot rated5:02

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