Satanic Taste of Neurotic Virtuosi

Abyssion - Satanic Taste of Neurotic Virtuosi

  • Release date: 2013
  • Genre: Metal/Death Metal
  • Format: Cassette
  • Category: metal
  • ****
  • Added February 28, 2014
  • Rated February 28, 2014


1. Whore Plaguenot rated0:00
2. Ex Nihilio Nihil Fitnot rated0:00
3. Fields in Heaven Burningnot rated0:00
4. Mistress of Devil Worshipnot rated0:00
5. The Stars Without Mercynot rated0:00
6. R'lyeh Risennot rated0:00
7. Lord of Winter's Deathnot rated0:00
8. Covenant of Abominationnot rated0:00
9. What Secrets Lie Buried... ('Neatnot rated0:00
10. Majestic Warlustnot rated0:00

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