time of contempt

H.EXE - time of contempt

  • Release date: 2013
  • Genre: Electronic/Industrial
  • Format: CD
  • Category: electronic
  • Duration: 31:54
  • **** 1/2
  • Added March 2, 2014
  • Rated March 2, 2014


1. time of contemptnot rated5:05
2. time of contempt (sui generis umbra remix)not rated5:17
3. time of contempt (synchropath decomposition by qbz)not rated3:50
4. the garden is my heartnot rated3:51
5. just a piece of shitnot rated4:21
6. authorities (riot!)not rated4:17
7. astrophobos (v. 2011 feat. lalunenoire from reactor7x)not rated5:13

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