1. Intro - áåçìîëâèå â ñîñòðà äà Ãèè (Silence in the pity) | **** | 1:20 |
2. Cêâîçü çà ðåâî óãëåé (Throught halo of fire-brands) | **** 1/2 | 7:21 |
3. Cêâîçü çà ðåâî óãëåé (áåç áîëè è ñîñòðà äà Ãèÿ) (Throught halo of fire-brands (without p | not rated | 6:56 |
4. XîëîäÃûå òåÃè çà áûòûõ ëåñîâ (Cold shadows of the lost woods) | not rated | 1:51 |
5. ÃîæäåÃèå â Ãåäðà õ ÷åðÃè (Birth in the depth of blackness) | not rated | 4:53 |
6. Outro - Ãà çåìü, äà è êðîâüþ (On the ground, by blood) | not rated | 1:20 |
7. Black Metal Coldness (bonus track) | not rated | 2:52 |
| 26:33 |
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