the red record

loudermilk - the red record

  • Release date: 2002
  • Genre: Metal/Alternative Metal
  • Format: CD
  • Category: metal
  • Duration: 56:43
  • **** 1/2
  • Added December 15, 2012
  • Rated December 15, 2012


1. estrogen oxygen ashes in the teeth againnot rated3:43
2. californianot rated4:55
3. kreates a presence to blushnot rated3:30
4. the twistingnot rated4:34
5. ash to ashnot rated4:31
6. elektnot rated3:24
7. mainot rated4:32
8. 97 ways to kill a superheronot rated3:44
9. anthemanot rated4:03
10. juinnot rated3:49
11. rock n roll and the teenage desperationnot rated3:24
12. goldie ellanot rated4:54
13. juilletnot rated4:33
14. attached at the mouthnot rated3:00

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