Various artists
William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet

Various artists - William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet

  • Release date: 1996
  • Genre: Rock/Alternative Rock
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 51:09
  • *** 1/2
  • Added November 5, 2011
  • Rated July 1, 2012


1. Garbage - #1 Crushnot rated4:46
2. Everclear - Local Godnot rated3:55
3. Gavin Friday - Angelnot rated4:19
4. One Inch Punch - Pretty Piece of Fleshnot rated4:52
5. Des'ree - Kissing You Love Theme from R + Jnot rated4:57
6. Butthole Surfers - Whatever (I Had a Dream)not rated4:09
7. The Cardigans - Lovefoolnot rated3:18
8. Kym Mazelle - Young Hearts Run Freenot rated4:15
9. Quindon Tarver - Everybody's Freenot rated1:43
10. Mundy - To You I Bestownot rated3:58
11. Radiohead - Talk Show Hostnot rated4:17
12. Stina Nordenstam - Little Starnot rated3:39
13. The Wannadies - You and Me Songnot rated2:55

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