
STAIND - Staind

  • Release date: 2011
  • Genre: Metal/Alternative Metal
  • Format: CD
  • Category: metal
  • Duration: 42:12
  • *****
  • Added November 19, 2011
  • Rated July 1, 2012


1. Eyes Wide Open - STAINDnot rated3:30
2. Not Again - STAINDnot rated4:34
3. Failing - STAINDnot rated5:26
4. Wannabe - STAINDnot rated3:49
5. Throw It All Away - STAINDnot rated4:24
6. Take A Breath - STAINDnot rated3:56
7. The Bottom - STAINDnot rated4:15
8. Now - STAINDnot rated3:44
9. Paper Wings - STAINDnot rated4:23
10. Something to Remind You - STAINDnot rated4:07

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