
Meshuggah - Koloss

  • Release date: 2012
  • Genre: Metal/Progressive Death Metal
  • Format: CD
  • Category: metal
  • Duration: 54:46
  • *****
  • Added April 4, 2012
  • Rated April 4, 2012


1. I am Colossusnot rated4:43
2. The demon?s name is Surveillancenot rated4:40
3. Do not look downnot rated4:43
4. Behind the sunnot rated6:14
5. The hurt that finds you firstnot rated5:33
6. Marrownot rated5:37
7. Break those bones whose sinews gave it motionnot rated6:57
8. Swarmnot rated5:27
9. Demiurgenot rated6:16
10. The last vigilnot rated4:32

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