Brown Album

Primus - Brown Album

  • Release date: 1997
  • Genre: Metal/Experimental Metal
  • Format: CD
  • Category: metal
  • Duration: 57:02
  • ****
  • Added November 5, 2011
  • Rated July 1, 2012


1. The Return of Sathington Willoughbynot rated5:05
2. Fisticuffsnot rated4:25
3. Golden Boynot rated3:05
4. Over the Fallsnot rated2:42
5. Shake Hands With Beefnot rated4:02
6. Camelback Cinemanot rated4:00
7. Hats Offnot rated1:57
8. Puddin' Tainenot rated3:38
9. Bob's Party Time Loungenot rated4:43
10. Duchess and the Proverbial Mind Spreadnot rated3:30
11. Restin' Bonesnot rated4:29
12. Coddingtownnot rated2:52
13. Kalamazoonot rated3:31
14. The Chastising of Renegadenot rated5:04
15. Arnienot rated3:54

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