Complete list of gecko's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Depeche ModeWorld in my Eyes (Mayham Mode Mix)The Third Strike (bootleg)4:58not ratedCD1992
Depeche ModeWorld In My Eyes (Mode To Joy)Remixes 81-046:28not ratedCD10/26/2004
Depeche ModeWorld In My Eyes (Razormaid Mix)Ultra Rare Trax Volume 17:21not ratedCD1998
Depeche ModeWorld in my Eyes [7'' Version]Singles Box 54:00not ratedCD5/7/1990
Depeche ModeWorld in my Eyes [Dub in my Eyes]Singles Box 56:56not ratedCD5/7/1990
Depeche ModeWorld in my Eyes [Mayhem Mode]Singles Box 54:56not ratedCD5/7/1990
Depeche ModeWorld in my Eyes [Mode to Joy]Singles Box 56:30not ratedCD5/7/1990
Depeche ModeWorld in my Eyes [Oil Tank Mix]Singles Box 57:47not ratedCD5/7/1990
Depeche ModeWorld in My Eyes [Safar Mix]Singles Box 6not ratedCD2/3/1997
Depeche Mode & Daniel MillerJust can't get enough (Schizo mix)Remixes 81-046:46not ratedCD10/26/2004
Depeche Mode & Daniel MillerShout (Rio remix)Remixes 81-047:31not ratedCD10/26/2004
Depeche Mode & Dave BascombeNever let me down again (Split mix)Remixes 81-049:31not ratedCD10/26/2004
DepthNu Breed Presents Dirty FoursGU022: Melbourne7:14not ratedCD5/13/2002
Depth ChargeDaughters of DarknessVolume Magazine, Volume 035:31not ratedCD1992
Der 13 TrackMarc O'ToolVivanot ratedCD6/22/2006
Der Dritte MannCanPop 2000: Das Gibt's Nur Einmalnot ratedCD10/25/1999
Der Dritte RaumPolarsternNorthern Exposure III: Expeditions7:50not ratedCD4/6/1999
Der GleichstromAntagonistHelp Can't Wait Compilation3:53not ratedCD2009
Der Klang Der Familie3 Phase Feat Dr MotteReactivate 02: Techno, Trance & Hard Housenot ratedCD9/25/2001
Der SchieberTimo MaasMusic For The Maases6:16not ratedCD10/3/2000
Der Schrei (Laboratory X Mix)Das IchCritical M@55, volume 2not ratedCD8/14/2001
Der Tante RenatePsychobotAdvanced Electronics, Volume 63:50not ratedCD2008
Der Wasse HaiOut Of The OrdinaryReactivate 06: Trance Europa6:50not ratedCD11/1992
Der ZylkusMatematische ModelleRadio Caroline Volume 12:55not ratedCD2003
Derrick May"a rest" beyond kaosInnovator1:29not ratedCD1996

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