Complete list of gecko's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Thrashing DovesJesus on the PayrollBedrock Vice3:50not ratedCD1987
Thrashing DovesKiller for YouBedrock Vice4:17not ratedCD1987
Thrashing DovesLate ShowTrouble In The Home3:26not ratedCD1989
Thrashing DovesLike HeartbreakTrouble In The Home3:31not ratedCD1989
Thrashing DovesLoreleiTrouble In The Home4:32not ratedCD1989
Thrashing DovesMagdalenaBedrock Vice3:39not ratedCD1987
Thrashing DovesMary MaryTrouble In The Home4:05not ratedCD1989
Thrashing DovesMatchstick FlotillaBedrock Vice4:37not ratedCD1987
Thrashing DovesNorthern Civil War PartyBedrock Vice3:35not ratedCD1987
Thrashing DovesReprobate's HymnTrouble In The Home4:27not ratedCD1989
Thrashing DovesRochdale HouseBedrock Vice4:12not ratedCD1987
Thrashing DovesSister DealsTrouble In The Home3:49not ratedCD1989
Thrashing DovesThe Grinding StoneBedrock Vice4:34not ratedCD1987
Thrashing DovesTinderbox ManBedrock Vice4:25not ratedCD1987
Thrashing DovesTrouble In The HomeTrouble In The Home4:29not ratedCD1989
Thread-DeadPRO>TECHCryogenic Studios8:48not ratedCD8/4/1998
threat level 5goddessNew Violent Breed, Volume 1not ratedCD7/16/2007
Three Ccold Meneffie, lady, berry!A Cold Decade4:49not ratedCD
Three Ccold Meneffie, lady, berry! (expression remix by mechanical moth)A Cold Decade5:24not ratedCD
Three Ccold Menennemis spheriquesA Cold Decade4:10not ratedCD
Three Ccold Menennemis spheriques (hemispheres remix by people theatre)A Cold Decade6:17not ratedCD
Three Ccold Menennemis spheriques (remix by lagrima negra)A Cold Decade4:03not ratedCD
Three Ccold Menheavy smileA Cold Decade4:31not ratedCD
Three Ccold MenI'm afraidA Cold Decade4:13not ratedCD
Three Ccold MenI'm afraid (hexenhaus remix by m shoenermann)A Cold Decade4:15not ratedCD

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