Complete list of gecko's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Astral ProjectionambienceThe Astral Files7:42not ratedCD1/1997
Astral Projectionambient galaxy (disco valley mix)Dancing Galaxy7:46not ratedCD12/1997
Astral ProjectionAmenAmen6:02not ratedCD2002
Astral Projectionanother worldAnother World6:54not ratedCD1999
Astral Projectionanother world (floorplay remix)In The Mix6:03not ratedCD2000
Astral ProjectionAnything Is PossibleAmen8:27not ratedCD2002
Astral Projectionaqua line spiritAnother World8:34not ratedCD1999
Astral ProjectionAurora BorealisTrust In Trance8:05not ratedCD1996
Astral Projectionaurora borealisIn The Mix6:38not ratedCD2000
Astral Projectionaxis v0.99In The Mix7:04not ratedCD2000
Astral ProjectionBlack & WhiteTrust In Trance7:29not ratedCD1996
Astral Projectionburning up (instrumental)In The Mix6:29not ratedCD2000
Astral ProjectionChaosAmen8:40not ratedCD2002
Astral Projectioncosmic ascension (featuring d.j. jorg)Dancing Galaxy10:18not ratedCD12/1997
Astral Projectiondancing galaxyDancing Galaxy9:17not ratedCD12/1997
Astral Projectiondancing galaxy (on a mission remix)In The Mix7:05not ratedCD2000
Astral ProjectionElectric BlueAmen7:54not ratedCD2002
Astral ProjectionelectronicThe Astral Files9:04not ratedCD1/1997
Astral ProjectionelectrostaticIn The Mix4:43not ratedCD2000
Astral ProjectionEnlightened EvolutionTrust In Trance8:03not ratedCD1996
Astral Projectionenlightened evolution (remix)The Astral Files7:20not ratedCD1/1997
Astral Projectionenligtened evolutionIn The Mix5:38not ratedCD2000
Astral Projectionflying into a starDancing Galaxy9:45not ratedCD12/1997
Astral Projectionflying into a star (ast-roid remix)In The Mix7:10not ratedCD2000
Astral Projectionfree tibetThe Astral Files7:40not ratedCD1/1997

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