Complete list of gecko's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Aphex Twinavril 14thDrukqs2:05not ratedCD2001
Aphex Twinavril 14thDrukqs Promo Sampler2:05not ratedCD2001
Aphex TwinavssoisDrukqs0:12not ratedCD2001
Aphex TwinbbydhonchordDrukqs2:33not ratedCD2001
Aphex TwinBeetlesRichard D. James Album1:31not ratedCD11/4/1996
Aphex TwinbeetlesGirl/Boy EP1:31not ratedCD10/17/1996
Aphex Twinbeskhu3epnmDrukqs2:10not ratedCD2001
Aphex Twinbit 4Drukqs0:25not ratedCD2001
aphex twinBlue CalxBack To Mine6:41not ratedCD2002
Aphex Twinblue calxSelected Ambient Works Volume II7:20not ratedCD3/8/1994
Aphex TwinblurSelected Ambient Works Volume II5:08not ratedCD3/8/1994
Aphex Twinbtoum-roumadaDrukqs1:58not ratedCD2001
Aphex Twinbucephalus bouncing ballCome To Daddy5:45not ratedCD10/8/1997
Aphex TwincliffsSelected Ambient Works Volume II7:27not ratedCD3/8/1994
Aphex Twincome on you slags!...I Care Because You Do5:44not ratedCD4/25/1995
Aphex Twincome to daddy (mummy mix)Come To Daddy Remixed single4:24not ratedCD1997
Aphex Twincome to daddy, little lord faulteroy mixCome To Daddy3:50not ratedCD10/8/1997
Aphex Twincome to daddy, mummy mixCome To Daddy4:24not ratedCD10/8/1997
Aphex Twincome to daddy, pappy mixCome To Daddy4:21not ratedCD10/8/1997
Aphex TwinCorn MouthRichard D. James Album2:33not ratedCD11/4/1996
Aphex TwinCornish AcidRichard D. James Album2:14not ratedCD11/4/1996
Aphex Twincow cud is a twin...I Care Because You Do5:33not ratedCD4/25/1995
Aphex TwincurtainsSelected Ambient Works Volume II8:51not ratedCD3/8/1994
Aphex TwinDelphiumSelected Ambient Works 85-925:29not ratedCD1992
Aphex TwinDidgeridooBack To Mine4:04not ratedCD2003

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