Jon Astley
Everyone Loves The Pilot (Except The Crew)

Jon Astley - Everyone Loves The Pilot (Except The Crew)

  • Release date: 6/30/1987
  • Genre: rock
  • Format: CD
  • Category: misc
  • Duration: 44:21
  • not rated
  • Added April 30, 2002


1. jon astley - jane's getting seriousnot rated4:24
2. jon astley/judy astley - Lipservicenot rated6:22
3. jon astley/judy astley - Target Practisenot rated4:34
4. jon astley/billy nichols - Suffering Foolsnot rated5:48
5. jon astley/judy astley - The Animalnot rated4:31
6. jon astley/judy astley/phil chapman - Jumping in the Deep Endnot rated4:10
7. jon astley/phil chapman - Better Never Than Latenot rated4:21
8. jon astley/f simms/m leonard - I Want To Dancenot rated4:44
9. jon astley/judy astley - Disclaimernot rated1:32
10. jon astley/jon carin/phil chapman - The Emperornot rated3:50

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