Something Somewhere

Astralasia - Something Somewhere

  • Release date: 11/5/2001
  • Genre: electronica/bh
  • Format: CD
  • Category: misc
  • Duration: 1:01:04
  • not rated
  • Added September 29, 2002


1. swordfish/paul chousmer - Her Majesties: Preludenot rated2:20
2. swordfish - Prophecy Of Lifenot rated6:45
3. swordfish/lou palmer - Out Therenot rated7:40
4. swordfish - Fantasize Realisenot rated8:54
5. swordfish/paul chousmer - The Seanot rated7:37
6. swordfish/lou palmer - Sweet Somethingnot rated6:51
7. swordfish/melanie taylor/david riley - Shinenot rated6:51
8. swordfish/paul chousmer - Her Majestiesnot rated7:02
9. swordfish - Come Insidenot rated7:01

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