Alphabet City

ABC - Alphabet City

  • Release date: 7/27/1987
  • Genre: eighties
  • Format: CD
  • Category: rock
  • Duration: 1:02:53
  • not rated
  • Added August 12, 2001


1. avenue anot rated0:56
2. when smokey singsnot rated4:18
3. the night you murdered lovenot rated4:53
4. think againnot rated3:40
5. rage and then regretnot rated3:33
6. ark-angelnot rated4:55
7. king without a crownnot rated4:41
8. bad bloodnot rated3:57
9. jealous lovernot rated3:36
10. one daynot rated5:35
11. avenue znot rated0:42
12. minneapolisnot rated2:58
13. when smokey sings (the miami mix)not rated7:05
14. the night you murdered love (the whole story)not rated8:15
15. chicago (abridged)not rated3:41

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