Complete list of fendent's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Jerry LopezSan DiegoNegrita6:45not ratedM4P2003
Jerry LopezYo no quiero que te vayasNegrita4:44not ratedM4P2003
JewelBreak MeThis Way4:04not ratedCD2001
JewelClevelandThis Way4:10not ratedCD2001
JewelDo You Want To Play?This Way2:55not ratedCD2001
JewelEverybody Needs Someone SometimeThis Way4:08not ratedCD2001
JewelGrey Matter (Live) (CD Bonus Track)This Way4:40not ratedCD2001
JewelI Won't Walk AwayThis Way4:46not ratedCD2001
JewelJesus Loves YouThis Way3:20not ratedCD2001
JewelLove Me, Just Leave Me AloneThis Way3:47not ratedCD2001
JewelServe The EgoThis Way4:58not ratedCD2001
JewelSometimes It Be That Way (Live) (CD Bonus Track)This Way4:24not ratedCD2001
JewelStanding StillThis Way4:30not ratedCD2001
JewelThe New Wild WestThis Way5:06not ratedCD2001
JewelThis WayThis Way4:17not ratedCD2001
JewelTill We Run Out Of RoadThis Way4:46not ratedCD2001
Jill JohnsonAll kinds of peoplediscography3:02not ratedM4P2003
Jill JohnsonCrazy in lovediscography4:12not ratedM4P2003
Jill JohnsonDesperadodiscography3:42not ratedM4P2003
Jill JohnsonEverybody's confidantediscography3:44not ratedM4P2003
Jill JohnsonGood girldiscography3:18not ratedM4P2003
Jill JohnsonIt's too latediscography3:42not ratedM4P2003
Jill JohnsonJag har havet ett stenkast fran migdiscography4:08not ratedM4P2003
Jill JohnsonJump in a cardiscography4:41not ratedM4P2003
Jill JohnsonJust like you dodiscography3:36not ratedM4P2003

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