Complete list of fendent's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
TotoSomewhere TonightLe Zenith6:46not ratedCDR2004
TotoSomewhere TonightFahrenheit3:46not ratedCD1986
TotoSomewhere tonightAnother side of the line6:06not ratedCDR
TotoSpanish Steps Of RomeMindfields4:29not ratedCD1999
TotoSpanish steps of RomeMelanie4:26not ratedCD1999
TotoSpanish steps of RomePapa was a sexy dancer3:10not ratedCDR1992
TotoSpanish steps of RomeUnplugged2:55not ratedCD1999
TotoSpiritual ManFalling In Between5:22not ratedCD2006
TotoSt. GeorgeSchwäbisch Gmünd 2012not ratedWAV8/5/2012
TotoSt. George & the dragonLive 19805:20not ratedCD1980
TotoSt. George And The DragonHydra4:44not ratedCD1979
TotoSt. George And The DragonHydra4:44not ratedCD1979
TotoSt. GeorgwAltusried 2012not ratedWAV8/16/2012
TotoStay AwayThe Seventh One5:31not ratedCD1988
TotoStop Loving YouThe Seventh One4:30not ratedCD1988
TotoStop loving youStop loving you4:31not ratedCD1988
TotoStop loving youMidfyn Festival5:43not ratedCDR1991
TotoStop loving youAltusried 2012not ratedWAV8/16/2012
TotoStop loving youOut in the Green Frauenfeld Switzerland5:29not ratedCDR7/6/1991
TotoStop loving youSchwäbisch Gmünd 2012not ratedWAV8/5/2012
TOTOStop loving youFalling in between live3:32not ratedCD2007
TotoStop loving youPapa was a sexy dancer5:04not ratedCDR1992
TotoStop loving youOut of love in Oldenburg5:37not ratedCDR1990
TotoStop Loving YouPast To Present4:29not ratedCD1990
TotoStraight For The HeartThe Seventh One4:12not ratedCD1988

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