Complete list of fendent's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Split Enzstuff and nonsenseOut of the bag4:30not ratedCD2007
Split EnzStuff And NonsenseFrenzy2:57not ratedCD1979
Split EnzSugar and spiceDizrythmia3:49not ratedCD1977
Split EnzSugar and SpiceDizrythmianot ratedCD1/18/2001
Split EnzSweet dreamsSplit Enznot ratedDVD2002
Split EnzSweet DreamsSecond Thoughts5:03not ratedCD1976
Split EnzSweet DreamsSecond Thoughts5:06not ratedCD1976
Split EnzSweet Talking Spoon SongThe Beginning of the Enz3:24not ratedCD1979
Split EnzTake A WalkThe Living Enz4:20not ratedCD1985
Split Enztake a walkOut of the bag3:38not ratedCD2007
Split EnzTake A WalkTime and Tide3:36not ratedCD1982
Split EnzThe choral seaTrue Colours4:50not ratedCD1980
Split EnzThe Devil You KnowConflicting Emotions3:35not ratedCD1984
Split EnzThe Devil You KnowConflicting Emotions3:35not ratedMP31984
Split EnzThe Lost CatSee Ya 'Round5:40not ratedCD1984
Split Enzthe lost catsee ya 'round5:40not ratedCD1979
Split EnzThe Roughest Toughest Game In The WorldFrenzy2:57not ratedCD1979
Split EnzThe Roughest Toughest Game in the WorldFrenzy3:44not ratedMP31979
Split EnzThe Woman Who Loves YouBBC Sight & Sound In Concert9:21not ratedMP31977
Split EnzThe Woman Who Loves YouSecond Thoughts6:49not ratedCD1976
Split EnzThe woman who loves youBoston6:41not ratedCDR
Split EnzThe woman who loves youBoston3:43not ratedCDR
Split EnzThe Woman Who Loves YouSecond Thoughts6:51not ratedCD1976
Split EnzThingsSplit Enznot ratedDVD2002
Split EnzThingsOddz And Enz2:39not ratedCD1992

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