The Alan Parsons Project (15 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
The Alan Parsons ProjectA Valid PathOGG2004not rated
The Alan Parsons ProjectAmmonia AvenueMP31984not rated40:08
The Alan Parsons ProjectEveMP31979not rated39:33
The Alan Parsons ProjectEye In The SkyMP31983not rated42:33
The Alan Parsons ProjectFreudianaMP31990not rated1:14:50
The Alan Parsons ProjectGaudiMP31987not rated38:43
The Alan Parsons ProjectI Robot [Original Master RecoMP31976not rated41:05
The Alan Parsons ProjectOn AirMP31996not rated50:42
The Alan Parsons ProjectPyramidMP31978not rated37:48
The Alan Parsons ProjectStereotomyMP31985not rated41:56
The Alan Parsons ProjectTales of Mystery and ImaginatMP31976not rated42:39
The Alan Parsons ProjectThe Best Of Alan Parsons ProjMP31983not rated49:23
The Alan Parsons ProjectThe Turn Of A Friendly CardMP31984not rated40:12
The Alan Parsons ProjectTime MachineMP31999not rated51:29
The Alan Parsons ProjectVulture CultureMP31984not rated37:58