Complete list of falkirkbairn's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Mychael DannaDouble Or NothingBreach2:55not ratedMP32007
Mychael DannaEnd of The JourneyA Dog's Way Home2:11not ratedMP32019
Mychael DannaEven As LoveRegeneration1:03not ratedMP31997
Mychael DannaExactly As I Had ImaginedThe Man Who Invented Christmas0:58not ratedMP32017
Mychael DannaFactory DriveFelicia's Journey0:49not ratedMP31999
Mychael DannaFinal StandArarat0:53not ratedCDR2002
Mychael DannaFinaleRide With The Devil3:09not ratedCDR1999
Mychael DannaFireside LetterRide With The Devil1:51not ratedCDR1999
Mychael DannaFirst Night, First DayLife of Pi3:45not ratedMP32012
Mychael DannaFirst RoundSurf's Up1:02not ratedCD2007
Mychael DannaFlying FishLife of Pi0:50not ratedMP32012
Mychael DannaForaging With FriendsA Dog's Way Home2:07not ratedMP32019
Mychael DannaFreedomRide With The Devil2:42not ratedCDR1999
Mychael DannaGame 5MoneyBall1:08not ratedMP32011
Mychael DannaGamekeeper's TrapsRegeneration2:54not ratedMP31997
Mychael DannaGarden of DeathRegeneration2:42not ratedMP31997
Mychael DannaGas!Regeneration1:39not ratedMP31997
Mychael DannaGentler MiraclesRegeneration0:39not ratedMP31997
Mychael DannaGeorge Clyde Clears OutRide With The Devil1:44not ratedCDR1999
Mychael DannaGet On The BoatBreach2:49not ratedMP32007
Mychael DannaGhost of Christmas PastThe Man Who Invented Christmas1:56not ratedMP32017
Mychael DannaGhost of Christmas Yet To ComeThe Man Who Invented Christmas2:50not ratedMP32017
Mychael DannaGive Me A SignThe Nativity Story2:36not ratedCD2006
Mychael DannaGiven The Natural Order of ThingsOn The Basis of Sex1:46not ratedMP32018
Mychael DannaGo On, Professor GinsburgOn The Basis of Sex4:09not ratedMP32018

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