Complete list of falkirkbairn's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Cyril MorinGlorious RomeBorgia1:32not ratedMP32011
Cyril MorinHawker's TrayThe Bra1:03not ratedMP32019
Cyril MorinHeretical ThoughtsBorgia1:51not ratedMP32011
Cyril MorinHorse Back (Death of A Son)Borgia1:41not ratedMP32011
Cyril MorinHotel BalconyThe Bra1:50not ratedMP32019
Cyril MorinHotel LoungeThe Human Resources Manager1:43not ratedMP32010
Cyril MorinHuman ResourcesThe Human Resources Manager1:54not ratedMP32010
Cyril MorinHuman Resources (Cymbalum Theme)The Human Resources Manager2:09not ratedMP32010
Cyril MorinIlluminated WindowThe Bra2:30not ratedMP32019
Cyril MorinInside (Torments)Borgia1:26not ratedMP32011
Cyril MorinInto The SistineBorgia1:30not ratedMP32011
Cyril MorinJuan and Lucrezia (Confession)Borgia1:31not ratedMP32011
Cyril MorinL'attaque du TaureauUn Coeur Simple1:08not ratedM4A2008
Cyril MorinLa CommunionUn Coeur Simple0:36not ratedM4A2008
Cyril MorinLa DiligenceUn Coeur Simple2:54not ratedM4A2008
Cyril MorinLa Fin de d'une VieUn Coeur Simple1:13not ratedM4A2008
Cyril MorinLa Leçon de VioloncelleUn Coeur Simple0:57not ratedM4A2008
Cyril MorinLa Maison de ThéodoreUn Coeur Simple1:40not ratedM4A2008
Cyril MorinLa MappemondeUn Coeur Simple0:44not ratedM4A2008
Cyril MorinLa Mer (Première Fois)Un Coeur Simple1:24not ratedM4A2008
Cyril MorinLa Plage (Seule)Un Coeur Simple1:03not ratedM4A2008
Cyril MorinLe Départ de FrédéricUn Coeur Simple0:56not ratedM4A2008
Cyril MorinLeaving HomeSusi Susanti: Love All2:43not ratedMP32019
Cyril MorinLegitimateBorgia2:05not ratedMP32011
Cyril MorinLife Is GoodThe Syrian Bride1:30not ratedMP32004

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