Artist![]() |
Title | Album | Duration | Rating | Format | Released |
Bruce Broughton | Up In Arms | Baby's Day Out | 2:02 | not rated | MP3 | 1994 |
Bruce Broughton | Van Helsing's Diary / Monsters | The Monster Squad | 1:59 | not rated | CD | 1987 |
Bruce Broughton | Vaya Con Dios | Last Rites | 2:31 | not rated | CD | 1988 |
Bruce Broughton | Veeko and The Elevator | Baby's Day Out | 2:06 | not rated | MP3 | 1994 |
Bruce Broughton | Very Suspicious | Eloise At Christmastime | 1:10 | not rated | MP3 | 2003 |
Bruce Broughton | Waking Nanny; My Very Own Room | Eloise At Christmastime | 0:44 | not rated | MP3 | 2003 |
Bruce Broughton | Walking Dead Guy | The Monster Squad | 1:15 | not rated | CD | 1987 |
Bruce Broughton | Waterhouse Fight | The Presido | 9:03 | not rated | CD | 1986 |
Bruce Broughton | Watson's Arrival | Young Sherlock Holmes | 1:04 | not rated | MP3 | 1985 |
Bruce Broughton | Waxflatter's Death | Young Sherlock Holmes | 3:41 | not rated | MP3 | 1985 |
Bruce Broughton | Waxing Elizabeth | Young Sherlock Holmes | 3:39 | not rated | MP3 | 1985 |
Bruce Broughton | Waxing Elizabeth (Chorus) | Young Sherlock Holmes | 3:03 | not rated | MP3 | 1985 |
Bruce Broughton | Waxing Elizabeth (Orchestra) | Young Sherlock Holmes | 3:40 | not rated | MP3 | 1985 |
Bruce Broughton | We'll Be Back (End Credits) | Silverado | 4:28 | not rated | MP3 | 1985 |
Bruce Broughton | We're Cartoons (TV Suite) | Stay Tuned | 6:42 | not rated | CD | 1992 |
Bruce Broughton | Wedding Bands | So I Married An Axe Murderer | 0:34 | not rated | MP3 | 1993 |
Bruce Broughton | Weekly World News | So I Married An Axe Murderer | 0:39 | not rated | MP3 | 1993 |
Bruce Broughton | White House Chaos | Shadow Conspiracy | 14:15 | not rated | CD | 1997 |
Bruce Broughton | Wilbur Takes Off | The Rescuers Down Under | 1:30 | not rated | MP3 | 1990 |
Bruce Broughton | Will & Smith Explore | Lost In Space | 2:01 | not rated | CD | 1998 |
Bruce Broughton | Will's Time Machine | Lost In Space | 4:26 | not rated | CD | 1998 |
Bruce Broughton | Wochenend und Sonnenschen | For Love Or Money | 1:16 | not rated | MP3 | 1993 |
Bruce Broughton | Wolf Attack | Stay Tuned | 0:45 | not rated | CD | 1992 |
Bruce Broughton | Wooton, Then Nelson | Narrow Margin | 2:57 | not rated | CD | 1990 |
Bruce Broughton | Worried About The Dog | Silverado | 2:12 | not rated | MP3 | 1985 |