Complete list of falkirkbairn's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Bruce BroughtonMom's StarEloise At The Plaza3:26not ratedMP32003
Bruce BroughtonMomma's Breath / The PackageAmazing Stories: Thanksgiving2:41not ratedCD1986
Bruce BroughtonMonashee StationNarrow Margin2:36not ratedCD1990
Bruce BroughtonMonster MusicThe Monster Squad0:54not ratedCD1987
Bruce BroughtonMorgan's DeathTombstone2:14not ratedCD1993
Bruce BroughtonMorning ExerciseEloise At The Plaza1:30not ratedMP32003
Bruce BroughtonMotorbike ChaseThe Ice Pirates1:31not ratedMP31984
Bruce BroughtonMr. Alucard / Making PlansThe Monster Squad3:27not ratedCD1987
Bruce BroughtonMr. IrelandFor Love Or Money2:23not ratedMP31993
Bruce BroughtonMr. Thornton's GhostEloise At Christmastime0:16not ratedMP32003
Bruce BroughtonMrs. Thornton's Story; TroubledEloise At Christmastime2:22not ratedMP32003
Bruce BroughtonMummy's GoneThe Monster Squad0:14not ratedCD1987
Bruce BroughtonMuzak: The Inspection RoomThe Ice Pirates2:51not ratedMP31984
Bruce BroughtonMy Name Is ChanceHomeward Bound - The Incredible Journey4:28not ratedMP31993
Bruce BroughtonName Your PoisonSo I Married An Axe Murderer1:14not ratedMP31993
Bruce BroughtonNanny's InvitationEloise At The Plaza0:52not ratedMP32003
Bruce BroughtonNarrow EscapesNarrow Margin3:43not ratedCD1990
Bruce BroughtonNelson, Then KatherineNarrow Margin3:32not ratedCD1990
Bruce BroughtonNew PassengersNarrow Margin2:01not ratedCD1990
Bruce BroughtonNew StartsThe Boy Who Could Fly4:15not ratedMP31986
Bruce BroughtonNo Carol For WootonNarrow Margin3:36not ratedCD1990
Bruce BroughtonNorth Pole MoonMiracle On 34th Street1:19not ratedMP31994
Bruce BroughtonNot Baby BinkBaby's Day Out1:32not ratedMP31994
Bruce BroughtonNothin' But A Bum / 1955 / Tumbleweed ConnectionAmazing Stories: Gather Ye Acorns2:52not ratedCD1986
Bruce BroughtonNuzo's DeathLast Rites4:20not ratedCD1988

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