Complete list of falkirkbairn's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Simon HaseleyTheme (Precinct)Whodunnit?3:35not ratedMP31972
Simon Holm ListA Passage To NiflheimWarTile2:53not ratedMP32018
Simon Holm ListBattle SailsWarTile1:55not ratedMP32018
Simon Holm ListCountdownWarTile0:33not ratedMP32018
Simon Holm ListDarknessWarTile1:54not ratedMP32018
Simon Holm ListEnemies At The GateWarTile0:26not ratedMP32018
Simon Holm ListForeign CoastlineWarTile1:19not ratedMP32018
Simon Holm ListGate of HelheimWarTile0:55not ratedMP32018
Simon Holm ListIcy Hall of ThorWarTile6:01not ratedMP32018
Simon Holm ListIn The Light of DarknessWarTile1:56not ratedMP32018
Simon Holm ListJötunheim, Home of The GiantsWarTile3:20not ratedMP32018
Simon Holm ListJuleblótWarTile2:21not ratedMP32018
Simon Holm ListTears of EirWarTile2:47not ratedMP32018
Simon Holm ListThe Dark GjallarhornWarTile3:56not ratedMP32018
Simon Holm ListThe GjallarhornWarTile3:54not ratedMP32018
Simon Holm ListThe Lost NorseWarTile8:39not ratedMP32018
Simon Holm ListThe MonasteryWarTile1:19not ratedMP32018
Simon Holm ListThe Norns of Ask YggdrasilWarTile5:32not ratedMP32018
Simon Holm ListThe Rescue of A Dark KingWarTile3:54not ratedMP32018
Simon Holm ListThe Rescue of A KingWarTile3:22not ratedMP32018
Simon Holm ListTrial of TyrWarTile5:38not ratedMP32018
Simon Holm ListWarTileWarTile6:33not ratedMP32018
Simon Kölle1975: The ProphecyAve Mater2:50not ratedMP32016
Simon KölleA 50s DinerThe Box2:22not ratedMP32012
Simon KölleA Slit ThroatAve Mater1:58not ratedMP32016

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