Leigh Phillips
The Legend Trip

Leigh Phillips - The Legend Trip

  • Release date: 2007
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: soundtrack
  • Duration: 48:16
  • not rated
  • Added August 30, 2007


1. Leigh Phillips - Main Titlesnot rated2:48
2. Leigh Phillips - Final Interviewnot rated8:36
3. Leigh Phillips - Dorm Researchnot rated2:06
4. Leigh Phillips - "What Happened To Her Head?!"not rated1:12
5. Leigh Phillips - The Scooby Gangnot rated1:47
6. Leigh Phillips - The Trading Postnot rated2:37
7. Leigh Phillips - "She Fell"not rated0:56
8. Leigh Phillips - The Legend of Mary Buthnot rated3:23
9. Leigh Phillips - Exfoliation From Hellnot rated2:54
10. Leigh Phillips - Another Mary Buthnot rated3:44
11. Leigh Phillips - Seduced By Evilnot rated4:07
12. Leigh Phillips - Mystery Incnot rated2:44
13. Leigh Phillips - The Slaughter Ensuesnot rated5:17
14. Leigh Phillips - Bedtime Storiesnot rated2:53
15. Carly Tucker, Leigh Phillips & Carly Tucker - End Credits (The Bad Guy)not rated3:12

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