Adam Balazs, Adam Balazs

Adam Balazs - Captives

  • Release date: 2019
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: soundtrack
  • Duration: 43:14
  • not rated
  • Added January 7, 2020


1. Foglyok - Captives Opening Scenenot rated4:26
2. Sara On The Phonenot rated1:34
3. Sára Goes Insidenot rated2:05
4. The Caretakernot rated1:07
5. Grotesque In The Makingnot rated3:54
6. There Will Be Morenot rated0:51
7. Rezsonot rated0:33
8. Grotesque Supremenot rated0:52
9. The Night Shift Arrivesnot rated0:44
10. Sara’s Old Pillownot rated1:00
11. I Know This Mannot rated1:10
12. Kind Memoriesnot rated1:52
13. The Onion Duelnot rated1:28
14. In Dangernot rated0:49
15. Rákosi Or Stalinnot rated1:16
16. The Idyill of The Newly-Formed, Grand Familynot rated1:06
17. The Letternot rated0:24
18. Suspected Truthnot rated2:32
19. Rezso In Search of The Silver Blocknot rated0:44
20. Shopping Spreenot rated1:26
21. Trust Compromisednot rated0:55
22. Symphony of Snoresnot rated0:36
23. Tarot Readingnot rated1:15
24. Losernot rated0:46
25. The Interrogationnot rated0:42
26. Brokennot rated1:03
27. The Interrogation Continuesnot rated1:24
28. After The Interrogationnot rated2:20
29. Sara Out On The Streetnot rated0:51
30. End Creditsnot rated3:29

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