George Fenton, George Fenton
The Company of Wolves

George Fenton - The Company of Wolves

  • Release date: 1984
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: soundtrack
  • Duration: 40:07
  • not rated
  • Added October 24, 2019


1. The Message and Main Themenot rated3:17
2. Rosaleen's First Dreamnot rated2:58
3. The Story of The Bride and Groom (The Village Wedding / The Return of The Groom)not rated7:04
4. The Forest and The Huntsman's Themenot rated2:29
5. The Wedding Partynot rated3:47
6. The Boy and The Devilnot rated2:53
7. One Sunday Afternoon...not rated5:12
8. "All The Better To Eat You With" (Arriving At Granny's Cottage / The Promise and Transformation)not rated5:04
9. The Wolfgirlnot rated4:41
10. Liberationnot rated2:42

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