Michael Bross, Michael Bross
Edge of Nowhere

Michael Bross - Edge of Nowhere

  • Release date: 2016
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: soundtrack
  • Duration: 40:12
  • not rated
  • Added June 1, 2017


1. Main Themenot rated2:39
2. Cave Exitnot rated3:06
3. Giant Encounternot rated1:42
4. Enemy Nearnot rated1:38
5. Journal #1not rated1:02
6. Cavern Entrynot rated2:45
7. Floesnot rated2:10
8. Junglenot rated2:02
9. Victor In The Mountainsnot rated3:29
10. Enemy Engagednot rated1:26
11. Journal #2not rated1:48
12. Enemy Alertnot rated1:48
13. Edwards Battlenot rated2:03
14. Cliff Climbnot rated1:54
15. Engage With The Darknessnot rated2:48
16. Incubation Chambersnot rated1:54
17. The Last Journeynot rated1:58
18. The Great Onenot rated1:41
19. Main Theme Endingnot rated2:19

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