Carlos José Alvarez, Carlos José Alvarez

Carlos José Alvarez - Deadline

  • Release date: 2009
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: soundtrack
  • Duration: 47:28
  • not rated
  • Added August 5, 2010


1. Main Titlesnot rated2:06
2. Lucy and Davidnot rated1:09
3. Somebody Died Herenot rated3:05
4. The Housenot rated1:50
5. First Morningnot rated1:07
6. Haunted Pianonot rated0:50
7. Taking A Bathnot rated1:13
8. An Attempt To Escapenot rated2:24
9. Medicationnot rated1:51
10. Transformationnot rated2:27
11. What If Ben Finds Outnot rated1:33
12. But I Belong To Younot rated2:08
13. Miscarriagenot rated2:20
14. The Drowningnot rated4:59
15. The Burialnot rated3:43
16. Following Lucynot rated1:03
17. Burial Sitenot rated4:01
18. Lucy Saves Alicenot rated2:15
19. Set Freenot rated1:24
20. Deadline (Suite for Orchestra)not rated6:00

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