Complete list of evilnick's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The WeakerthansMy Favourite Power ChordsTake Penacilin Now0:38not ratedFLAC2005
The WeakerthansNight Windows - The WeakerthansReunion Tour4:35not ratedFLAC2007
The WeakerthansNone of the Above - The WeakerthansFallow4:18not ratedFLAC1997
The WeakerthansOne Great City! - The WeakerthansReconstruction Site2:54not ratedFLAC2003
The WeakerthansOur Retired Explorer (Dines With Michel Foucault in Paris, 1961) - The WeakerthansReconstruction Site2:23not ratedFLAC2003
The WeakerthansPamphleteer - The WeakerthansLeft and Leaving5:16not ratedFLAC2000
The WeakerthansPlea From a Cat Named Virtute - The WeakerthansReconstruction Site3:48not ratedFLAC2003
The WeakerthansPsalm for the Elks Lodge Last Call - The WeakerthansReconstruction Site2:44not ratedFLAC2003
The WeakerthansReconstruction Site - The WeakerthansReconstruction Site2:44not ratedFLAC2003
The WeakerthansRelative Surplus Value - The WeakerthansReunion Tour2:37not ratedFLAC2007
The WeakerthansReunion Tour - The WeakerthansReunion Tour2:07not ratedFLAC2007
The WeakerthansSlips and Tangles - The WeakerthansLeft and Leaving2:57not ratedFLAC2000
The WeakerthansSounds Familiar - The WeakerthansFallow2:29not ratedFLAC1997
The WeakerthansSun in an Empty Room - The WeakerthansReunion Tour4:00not ratedFLAC2007
The WeakerthansThe Last Last One - The WeakerthansFallow3:09not ratedFLAC1997
The WeakerthansThe Prescience of Dawn - The WeakerthansReconstruction Site4:36not ratedFLAC2003
The WeakerthansThe Reasons - The WeakerthansReconstruction Site2:50not ratedFLAC2003
The WeakerthansThis Is a Fire Door Never Leave Open - The WeakerthansLeft and Leaving5:07not ratedFLAC2000
The WeakerthansTime's Arrow - The WeakerthansReconstruction Site2:52not ratedFLAC2003
The WeakerthansTournament of Hearts - The WeakerthansReunion Tour3:34not ratedFLAC2007
The WeakerthansUncorrected Proofs - The WeakerthansReconstruction Site2:42not ratedFLAC2003
The WeakerthansUtilities - The WeakerthansReunion Tour4:34not ratedFLAC2007
The WeakerthansVirtute the Cat Explains Her Departure - The WeakerthansReunion Tour4:08not ratedFLAC2007
The WeakerthansWatermark - The WeakerthansLeft and Leaving2:38not ratedFLAC2000
The WeakerthansWatermark - The WeakerthansWatermark2:40not ratedFLAC2001

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