The Alan Parsons Project (18 albums, 17 bookmarks)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Alan Parsons Project, TheA Valid PathMP32004*** 1/249:20
Alan Parsons Project, TheAmmonia AvenueMP31984****40:07
Alan Parsons Project, TheEveMP31979**** 1/239:33
Alan Parsons Project, TheEye in the SkyMP31982**** 1/242:32
Alan Parsons Project, TheFreudianaMP31990**** 1/21:14:52
Alan Parsons Project, TheGaudiMP31987not rated38:43
Alan Parsons Project, TheI RobotMP31977****41:05
Alan Parsons Project, TheLiveMP31994not rated59:05
Alan Parsons Project, TheOn AirMP31996****50:45
Alan Parsons Project, ThePyramidMP31978****37:46
Alan Parsons Project, TheStereotomyMP31985*** 1/241:55
Alan Parsons Project, TheTales of Mystery and Imagination - Edgar Allan PoeMP31976**** 1/242:39
Alan Parsons Project, TheThe Instrumental WorksMP31988****44:00
Alan Parsons Project, TheThe Sicilian DefenceMP31981*** 1/239:50
Alan Parsons Project, TheThe Time MachineMP31999****55:21
Alan Parsons Project, TheThe Turn of a Friendly CardMP31980**** 1/240:12
Alan Parsons Project, TheTry Anything OnceMP31993****59:56
Alan Parsons Project, TheVulture CultureMP31984****37:57
