Complete list of epidemic27's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The SonicsLouie LouiePsycho-Sonicnot ratedCD8/4/2003
The SonicsMoney (That's What I want)Psycho-Sonicnot ratedCD8/4/2003
The SonicsNight Time Is The Right TimePsycho-Sonicnot ratedCD8/4/2003
The SonicsPsychoPsycho-Sonicnot ratedCD8/4/2003
The SonicsPsycho (Live)Psycho-Sonicnot ratedCD8/4/2003
The SonicsRoll Over BeethovenPsycho-Sonicnot ratedCD8/4/2003
The SonicsShot DownPsycho-Sonicnot ratedCD8/4/2003
The SonicsSince I Fell For YouPsycho-Sonicnot ratedCD8/4/2003
The SonicsSkinny MinniePsycho-Sonicnot ratedCD8/4/2003
The SonicsStrychninePsycho-Sonicnot ratedCD8/4/2003
The SonicsStrychnineBefore The Fallnot ratedCD2/28/2011
The SonicsThe HustlerPsycho-Sonicnot ratedCD8/4/2003
The SonicsThe WitchPsycho-Sonicnot ratedCD8/4/2003
The SonicsThe Witch (Alternate)Psycho-Sonicnot ratedCD8/4/2003
The SonicsThe Witch (Live)Psycho-Sonicnot ratedCD8/4/2003
The SonicsWalking The DogPsycho-Sonicnot ratedCD8/4/2003
The Souljazz OrchestraagbaraRISING SUNnot ratedCD3/8/2010
The Souljazz OrchestraAmenManifesto7:37not ratedCD2008
The Souljazz OrchestraAwakeningRISING SUNnot ratedCD3/8/2010
The Souljazz OrchestraawekeningRISING SUNnot ratedCD3/8/2010
The Souljazz OrchestraBibinaSolidaritynot ratedCD9/17/2012
The Souljazz OrchestraCartao PostalSolidaritynot ratedCD9/17/2012
The Souljazz OrchestraConquering LionSolidaritynot ratedCD9/17/2012
The Souljazz OrchestraconseRISING SUNnot ratedCD3/8/2010
The Souljazz OrchestraFreedom No Go DieFreedom No Go Dienot ratedCD12/18/2007

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