Complete list of epidemic27's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The ControllersI Can't Turn The Boogie LooseGreg Wilson Credit To The Edit Volume One4:48not ratedCD2005
The CoralDon't Think You're The FirstFuture's Burning4:05not ratedCD2005
The CoralIt Was NothingHelp - A Day In the Life war child2:53not ratedCD2005
The CoralShadows FallNME Exclusives3:13not ratedCD
the crampsCrusherOff the Bonenot ratedCD4/13/1998
the crampsDominoOff the Bonenot ratedCD4/13/1998
the crampsDrug TrainOff the Bonenot ratedCD4/13/1998
the crampsFeverOff the Bonenot ratedCD4/13/1998
the crampsGarbage ManOff the Bonenot ratedCD4/13/1998
the crampsGoo Goo MuckOff the Bonenot ratedCD4/13/1998
the crampsGood TasteOff the Bonenot ratedCD4/13/1998
the crampsHuman FlyOff the Bonenot ratedCD4/13/1998
The CrampsHuman flyAs heard on Radio Soulwax Pt. 21:33not ratedCD2002
the crampsI Can't Hardly Stand ItOff the Bonenot ratedCD4/13/1998
the crampsLonesome TownOff the Bonenot ratedCD4/13/1998
the crampsLove MeOff the Bonenot ratedCD4/13/1998
the crampsNew Kind Of KickOff the Bonenot ratedCD4/13/1998
the crampsnew kind of kickHow to kill the DJ 21:10not ratedCD2005
the crampsSave ItOff the Bonenot ratedCD4/13/1998
the crampsShe SaidOff the Bonenot ratedCD4/13/1998
the crampsSurfin' BirdOff the Bonenot ratedCD4/13/1998
the crampsUranium RockOff the Bonenot ratedCD4/13/1998
the crampsWay I WalkOff the Bonenot ratedCD4/13/1998
The Creators (Aka Lee Perry)KimbleBefore The Fallnot ratedCD2/28/2011
The Creatures2nd floorAnima Animus4:31not ratedCD1999

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