Complete list of epidemic27's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
PulpLipglossHis 'n' Hers3:34not ratedCD
PulpLipglossLipgloss3:36not ratedCD1993
PulpLipglossHits3:35not ratedCD
PulpLive Bed ShowDifferent Class3:29not ratedCD1995
PulpMis-shapesSorted for E's & Wizz/Mis-shapes3:49not ratedCD
PulpMis-shapesDifferent Class3:46not ratedCD1995
PulpMonday MorningDifferent Class4:18not ratedCD1995
PulpO.U.PulpIntro3:44not ratedCD
PulpParty HardThis Is Hardcore4:00not ratedCD1998
PulpParty HardHits4:01not ratedCD
PulpParty HardNME Exclusives6:05not ratedCD
PulpPencil SkirtDifferent Class3:11not ratedCD1995
PulpPink GloveHis 'n' Hers4:48not ratedCD
PulpRazzmatazzPulpIntro3:41not ratedCD
PulpRazzmatazzHits3:40not ratedCD
PulpSeductive BarryThis Is Hardcore8:31not ratedCD1998
PulpShe's A LadyHis 'n' Hers5:49not ratedCD
PulpShe's DeadVolume Magazine 25:03not ratedCD1991
PulpSheffield: Sex CityPulpIntro8:31not ratedCD
PulpSomeone Like the MoonHis 'n' Hers4:18not ratedCD
PulpSomething ChangedDifferent Class3:18not ratedCD1995
PulpSomething ChangedHits3:18not ratedCD
PulpSorted For E's & WizzHits3:37not ratedCD
PulpSorted For E's & WizzDifferent Class3:47not ratedCD1995
PulpSorted For E's & WizzSorted for E's & Wizz/Mis-shapes3:41not ratedCD

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