Complete list of epidemic27's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Nine Inch NailsSurvivalismSurvivalism4:24not ratedCD2007
Nine Inch NailsSurvivalismYear Zero4:23not ratedCD2007
Nine Inch NailsSurvivalism (Tardusted)Survivalism4:19not ratedCD2007
Nine Inch NailsSurvivalism: Saul Williams Tardusted MixY34RZ3r0r3mix3d + DVDnot ratedCD11/26/2007
nine inch nailsterrible liepretty hate machine4:39not ratedCD1989
Nine Inch NailsTerrible LiePretty Hate Machine: 2010 Remasternot ratedCD11/29/2010
Nine Inch NailsTerrible LieAnd All That Could Have Been4:59not ratedCD2002
nine inch nailsthat's what i getpretty hate machine4:30not ratedCD1989
Nine Inch NailsThat’s What I GetPretty Hate Machine: 2010 Remasternot ratedCD11/29/2010
Nine Inch NailsThe Art Of Self Destruction (Part One)Further Down The Spiral5:41not ratedCD1995
Nine Inch NailsThe BecomingThe Downward Spiral5:31not ratedCD
Nine Inch NailsThe BecomingAnd All That Could Have Been4:30not ratedCD2002
Nine Inch NailsThe Beginning Of The EndYear Zero2:47not ratedCD2007
Nine Inch NailsThe Beginning Of The End: Ladytron MixY34RZ3r0r3mix3d + DVDnot ratedCD11/26/2007
Nine Inch NailsThe CollectorWith Teeth3:07not ratedCD2005
Nine Inch NailsThe Day the Wold Went AwayAnd All That Could Have Been5:17not ratedCD2002
Nine Inch NailsThe Day The World Went AwayAnd All That Could Have Been6:29not ratedCD2002
Nine Inch NailsThe Day The World Went AwayThe Day The World Went Away4:03not ratedCD1999
Nine Inch NailsThe Day The World Went Away (Quiet)The Day The World Went Away6:20not ratedCD1999
Nine Inch NailsThe Downward SpiralThe Downward Spiral3:56not ratedCD
Nine Inch NailsThe Downward Spiral (The Bottom)Further Down The Spiral7:29not ratedCD1995
Nine Inch NailsThe FragileAnd All That Could Have Been5:12not ratedCD2002
Nine Inch NailsThe FrailAnd All That Could Have Been1:41not ratedCD2002
Nine Inch NailsThe Frail (Benelli mix)Things Falling Apart2:47not ratedCD2000
Nine Inch NailsThe Good SoldierYear Zero3:23not ratedCD2007

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