Complete list of epidemic27's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Nine Inch Nails31 Ghosts IVGhosts I-IVnot ratedCD4/7/2008
Nine Inch Nails32 Ghosts IVGhosts I-IVnot ratedCD4/7/2008
Nine Inch Nails33 Ghosts IVGhosts I-IVnot ratedCD4/7/2008
Nine Inch Nails34 Ghosts IVGhosts I-IVnot ratedCD4/7/2008
Nine Inch Nails35 Ghosts IVGhosts I-IVnot ratedCD4/7/2008
Nine Inch Nails36 Ghosts IVGhosts I-IVnot ratedCD4/7/2008
Nine Inch Nails999999The Slip + DVDnot ratedCD7/28/2008
Nine Inch NailsA Warm PlaceThe Downward Spiral3:23not ratedCD
Nine Inch NailsAdrift and at PeaceAnd All That Could Have Been2:52not ratedCD2002
Nine Inch NailsAll The Love In The WorldWith Teeth5:15not ratedCD2005
Nine Inch NailsAnd All That Could Have BeenAnd All That Could Have Been6:14not ratedCD2002
Nine Inch NailsAnother Version Of The TruthYear Zero4:09not ratedCD2007
Nine Inch NailsAnother Version Of The Truth: Kronos Quarteet & Enrique Gonzalez Muller MixY34RZ3r0r3mix3d + DVDnot ratedCD11/26/2007
Nine Inch NailsAt The Heart Of It AllFurther Down The Spiral7:08not ratedCD1995
Nine Inch NailsBeside You In TimeWith Teeth5:24not ratedCD2005
Nine Inch NailsBig Man With A GunThe Downward Spiral1:36not ratedCD
Nine Inch NailsCapital GYear Zero3:50not ratedCD2007
Nine Inch NailsCapital G: Phones 666 Revolutions MixY34RZ3r0r3mix3d + DVDnot ratedCD11/26/2007
Nine Inch NailsCloserCloser - Further Away6:26not ratedCD1994
Nine Inch NailsCloserThe Downward Spiral6:13not ratedCD
Nine Inch NailsCloserAnd All That Could Have Been5:38not ratedCD2002
Nine Inch NailsCloser (Deviation)Closer - Further Away6:14not ratedCD1994
Nine Inch NailsCloser (Further Away)Closer - Further Away5:44not ratedCD1994
Nine Inch NailsCloser (Internal)Closer - Further Away4:16not ratedCD1994
Nine Inch NailsCloser (Precursor)Closer - Further Away7:15not ratedCD1994

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