The Fall (50 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
The Fall458489 A SidesCD1990not rated57:30
The Fall458489 B SidesCD1990not rated2:23:54
The FallA World BewitchedCD2001not rated2:22:42
The FallAre You Are Missing WinnerCD2/26/2008**
The FallAre You Are Missing WinnerCD2001not rated47:47
The FallBend SinisterCD1997*** 1/2
The FallCab It Up12" vinyl1989not rated
The FallCerebral CausticCD2006***1:48:03
The FallCode: SelfishCD1992not rated54:16
The FallDragnetCD2/26/2008* 1/2
The FallErsatz G.B.CD11/14/2011*** 1/2
The FallExtricateCD1990not rated54:30
The FallFall Heads RollCD2005not rated56:00
The FallGrotesque (After The Gramme)CD2/26/2008***
The FallHex Enduction Hour2CD2/26/2008** 1/2
The FallI Am Kurious OranjCD2/26/1999***
The FallI Am Kurious OranjLP1988not rated
The FallImperial Wax SolventCD4/28/2008*** 1/2
The FallInterimCD11/1/2004** 1/2
The FallLast Night At The PalaisCD+DVD8/24/2009*** 1/2
The FallLevitate2CD9/22/1997not rated
The FallLevitateCD6/22/1998* 1/2
The FallListening in: Lost Singles Tracks 1990 - 1992CD11/11/2002** 1/2
The FallLive At The Witch TrialsCD2/26/2008** 1/2
The FallMiddle Class RevoltCD4/25/2006*** 1/2
The FallPerverted By Language2CD2/26/2008***
The FallReformation Post TLCCD2007****1:01:22
The FallRoom to LiveCD8/16/2005** 1/2
The FallSeminal LiveCD10/1/1999***
The FallSeminal LiveLP1989not rated
The FallShiftworkCD1991not rated51:52
The FallSlatesCD2/26/2008*** 1/2
The FallThe 27 PointsCD2/26/2008**
The FallThe Complete Peel Sessions6CD4/28/2008****
The FallThe Fall Box Set 1976-20075CD9/10/2007*****
The FallThe Frenz ExperimentCD1988not rated1:04:50
The FallThe Infotainment ScanCD1993not rated50:05
The FallThe Light User SyndromeCD2/26/2008** 1/2
The FallThe Marshall SuiteCD10/15/2001****
The FallThe Marshall Suite3CD6/20/2011****
The FallThe Real New Fall LP (Formerly Country on the Click)CD2003*** 1/2
The FallThe Real New Fall Lp (2 Bonus Track) [Us Import]CD6/15/2004*** 1/2
The FallThe UnutterableCD2000not rated55:40
The FallThe Unutterable: Deluxe Edition2CD11/10/2008*****
The FallThe Wonderful And Frightening World Of The FallCD8/1/1988***
The FallThis Nation's Saving GraceCD1985not rated1:05:53
The FallThis Nation's Saving Grace (Omnibus Edition)3CD Box Set1/24/2011*** 1/2
The FallTotally Wired - The Rough Trade AnthologyCD2/26/2008*** 1/2
The FallTouch Sensitive: Bootleg5CD4/28/2008**
The FallYour Future Our ClutterCD4/26/2010****