Laibach (13 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
LaibachAn Introduction ToCD9/3/2012not rated
LaibachAngliaCD2006not rated21:30
LaibachAnthemsCD2004not rated2:35:59
LaibachDas Spiel Ist AusCD2004not rated30:53
LaibachIron Sky - The Original Film SoundtrackCD4/30/2012****
LaibachJesus Christ SuperstarsCD1996not rated46:41
LaibachLet It BeCD1988not rated42:31
LaibachN.A.T.O.CDnot rated41:07
LaibachOpus DeiCD1987not rated59:02
LaibachSympathy for the DevilCDnot rated49:48
LaibachTanz Mit LaibachCD2003not rated26:29
LaibachWATCD2003not rated58:26