Artist | Title | Album | Duration | Rating | Format | Released |
Buffalo Springfield | Rock & Roll Woman (By Stephen Stills) | Retrospective: The Best Of Buffalo Springfield | 2:46 | not rated | CD | 1969 |
Buffalo Springfield | Sit Down, I Think I Love You (By Stephen Stills) | Retrospective: The Best Of Buffalo Springfield | 2:33 | not rated | CD | 1969 |
Buffalo Springfield | Special Care | Last Time Around | 3:44 | not rated | MP3 | 2007 |
Buffalo Springfield | The Hour Of Not Quite Rain | Last Time Around | 3:50 | not rated | MP3 | 2007 |
Buffalo Springfield | Uno Mundo | Last Time Around | 2:05 | not rated | MP3 | 2007 |
Buggles | Astroboy (And The Proles On Parade) | The Age of Plastic | 4:47 | not rated | CD | 1979 |
Buggles | Clean, Clean | The Age of Plastic | 3:54 | not rated | CD | 1979 |
Buggles | Elstree | The Age of Plastic | 4:31 | not rated | CD | 1979 |
Buggles | I Love You (Miss Robot) | The Age of Plastic | 4:59 | not rated | CD | 1979 |
Buggles | Johnny On The Monorail | The Age of Plastic | 5:26 | not rated | CD | 1979 |
Buggles | Kid Dynamo | The Age of Plastic | 3:30 | not rated | CD | 1979 |
Buggles | Living In The Plastic Age | The Age of Plastic | 5:08 | not rated | CD | 1979 |
Buggles | Video Killed The Radio Star | The Age of Plastic | 4:13 | not rated | CD | 1979 |
Buggles | Video Killed The Radio Star | Just Can't Get Enough: New Wave Hits of the 80's | 3:29 | not rated | CD | 1994 |
Buggles | Video Killed The Radio Star | The Island Story 1962-1987 | 3:22 | not rated | CD | 1990 |
Bulgarian National Choir | Aida: Act I - Chorus of the Priests- "Possenthe Fthá" | 100 Must-Have Verdi Masterpieces | 3:26 | not rated | MP3 | 2012 |
Bulgarian National Choir | Aida: Act II - Chorus of the Slave Girls - "Chi mai fra gl'immi e i plausi" | 100 Must-Have Verdi Masterpieces | 5:22 | not rated | MP3 | 2012 |
Bulgarian National Choir | Aida: Act II - Triumphal March and Chorus - "Gloria all'Egitto" | 100 Must-Have Verdi Masterpieces | 12:48 | not rated | MP3 | 2012 |
Bulgarian National Choir | Don Carlos: Act II - Chorus - "Sotto ai folti, immensi abeti" | 100 Must-Have Verdi Masterpieces | 4:15 | not rated | MP3 | 2012 |
Bulgarian National Choir | Don Carlos: Act III - Gran Finale - "Spuntato ecco il di d'esultanza" | 100 Must-Have Verdi Masterpieces | 8:28 | not rated | MP3 | 2012 |
Bulgarian National Choir | Ernani: Act I - Chorus - "Evviva - beviam!" | 100 Must-Have Verdi Masterpieces | 6:50 | not rated | MP3 | 2012 |
Bulgarian National Choir | I Lombardi: Act III - Chorus - "Gerusalem! ...Gerusalem!" | 100 Must-Have Verdi Masterpieces | 5:13 | not rated | MP3 | 2012 |
Bulgarian National Choir | La Traviata: Act II - Chorus of the Gypsi Girls - "Noi siamo Zingarelle" | 100 Must-Have Verdi Masterpieces | 2:56 | not rated | MP3 | 2012 |
Bulgarian National Choir | La Traviata: Act II Chorus of the Matadors - "Di Madride noi siam mattadori" | 100 Must-Have Verdi Masterpieces | 3:19 | not rated | MP3 | 2012 |
Bulgarian National Choir | Macbeth: Act I - Coro d'introduzione, Chorus of the Witches - "Che faceste" | 100 Must-Have Verdi Masterpieces | 3:32 | not rated | MP3 | 2012 |