Complete list of elvis's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Manfred Mann's Earth BandChicago InstituteWatch5:48not ratedMP3
Manfred Mann's Earth BandChicago InstituteWatch5:48not ratedMP3
Manfred Mann's Earth BandCirclesWatch4:52not ratedMP3
Manfred Mann's Earth BandCirclesWatch4:52not ratedMP3
Manfred Mann's Earth BandCountdownNightingales & Bombers3:06not ratedMP31975
Manfred Mann's Earth BandCrossfadeNightingales & Bombers3:40not ratedMP31975
Manfred Mann's Earth BandCrossfireCriminal Tango3:44not ratedMP31986
Manfred Mann's Earth BandDavy's on the Road AgainWired8:08not ratedMP32001
Manfred Mann's Earth BandDavy's on the Road AgainWired8:08not ratedMP32001
Manfred Mann's Earth BandDavy's on the Road AgainWatch5:56not ratedMP3
Manfred Mann's Earth BandDavy's on the Road AgainWatch5:56not ratedMP3
Manfred Mann's Earth BandDavy's On The Road AgainMann Alive6:24not ratedFLAC
Manfred Mann's Earth BandDavy's On The Road Again (SingManfred Mann's Earth BandWatch3:38not ratedMP3
Manfred Mann's Earth BandDavy's On The Road Again (SingManfred Mann's Earth BandWatch3:38not ratedMP3
Manfred Mann's Earth BandDemolition ManMann Alive7:17not ratedFLAC
Manfred Mann's Earth BandDemolition ManSomewhere in Afrika3:43not ratedMP31983
Manfred Mann's Earth BandDemolition ManSomewhere in Afrika3:43not ratedMP31983
Manfred Mann's Earth BandDemolition Mann (Short Version)Mann Alive3:01not ratedFLAC
Manfred Mann's Earth BandDo Anything You Wanna DoCriminal Tango4:14not ratedMP31986
Manfred Mann's Earth BandDon't Kill It CarolAngel Station6:17not ratedMP31979
Manfred Mann's Earth BandDon't Kill It CarolAngel Station [1979] 1926:17not ratedMP31979
Manfred Mann's Earth BandDown HomeGlorified Magnified3:19not ratedMP31972
Manfred Mann's Earth BandDown HomeGlorified Magnified3:19not ratedMP31972
Manfred Mann's Earth BandDrowning on Dry Land/Fish SoupWatch6:02not ratedMP3
Manfred Mann's Earth BandDrowning on Dry Land/Fish SoupWatch6:02not ratedMP3

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