The Bushwackers Band
Dance Album

The Bushwackers Band - Dance Album

  • Genre: Other
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 49:03
  • not rated
  • Added April 6, 2009


1. Waves of bondinot rated4:08
2. Flying piemannot rated2:24
3. Road to Gundagainot rated3:51
4. Heel and toe polkanot rated3:36
5. The pride of erinnot rated3:30
6. The drongonot rated4:50
7. The madman's woodyardnot rated3:08
8. The barn dancenot rated3:24
9. Stockyardsnot rated3:55
10. Queensland backstepnot rated4:07
11. The kangaroo hopnot rated4:09
12. Strip the willownot rated3:53
13. Waltz country dancenot rated4:08

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