Complete list of durbinnj's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Brand XThe Worst ManManifest Destiny4:32not ratedCD1997
Brand XThe X-Files ThemeThe X-Files: A 20 Year Retrospective1:56not ratedCD1999
Brand XTmiu-AtgaIs There Anything Aboutnot rated12" vinyl1982
Brand XTouch WoodUnorthodox Behaviour3:04not ratedCD1976
Brand XTouch WoodMacrocosm: Introducing...3:04not ratedCD2003
Brand XTriumphant LimpThe Plot Thins - A History Of Brand X7:33not ratedCD1992
Brand XTriumphant LimpDo They Hurt?7:32not ratedCD1980
Brand XTrue To The ClickThe X-Files: A 20 Year Retrospective5:30not ratedCD1999
Brand XTrue To The ClikTrilogy5:29not ratedCD2003
Brand XTrue to the ClikManifest Destiny5:32not ratedCD1997
Brand XUnnamed Bonustrack 1Manifest Destiny8:06not ratedCD1997
Brand XUnnamed Bonustrack 2Manifest Destiny9:44not ratedCD1997
Brand XUnorthodox BehaviourUnorthodox Behaviour8:29not ratedCD1976
Brand XVirusTrilogy7:56not ratedCD2003
Brand XVirusManifest Destiny7:56not ratedCD1997
Brand XVoidaramaDo They Hurt?4:26not ratedCD1980
Brand XVoidoramaMacrocosm: Introducing...4:27not ratedCD2003
Brand XWal To WalProduct3:14not ratedCD1979
Brand XWhy Should I Lend You Mine (When You've Broken Yours Off Already)...Morrocan Roll11:16not ratedCD1977
Brand XWhy Should I Lend You Mine?The Plot Thins - A History Of Brand X11:12not ratedCD1992
Brand XXanax TaxiTrilogy5:57not ratedCD2003
Brand XXXLTrilogy5:51not ratedCD2003
Brand XXXLManifest Destiny5:51not ratedCD1997
Brand XZero DbTrilogy4:52not ratedCD2003
Brand X (East)Neil and Jack and MeSchizoid Dimension: A Tribute to King Crimson4:33not ratedCD1997

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