Complete list of durbinnj's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
SaensThe crawlerEscaping From The Hands Of God13:51not ratedCD2001
SaensThe Gevaudan BeastProphet In A Statistical World23:34not ratedCD2003
SaensThe ProphetProphet In A Statistical World11:40not ratedCD2003
SaensTime MachineProphet In A Statistical World12:49not ratedCD2003
SaensWelcomeProphet In A Statistical World1:29not ratedCD2003
Saensxx84Prophet In A Statistical World7:52not ratedCD2003
Saga(You Were) Never AloneSteel Umbrellas4:27not ratedCD1994
Saga(You Were) Never Alone (Edited Version)The Very Best Of...4:06not ratedCD1994
SagaAll will change (Goodbye und good luck)Generation 136:04not ratedCD1995
SagaAll will change (it's happening to me)Generation 132:00not ratedCD1995
SagaAlone Again TonightThe Security Of Illusion4:15not ratedCD1993
SagaAlways thereRemember When: The Very Best Of Saga3:53not ratedCD2006
SagaAlways ThereHouse Of Cards3:53not ratedCD2001
SagaAmnesiaWorlds Apart Revisited3:43not ratedCD2007
SagaAmnesiaWorlds Apart Revisitednot ratedCD2007
SagaAngelWildest Dreams4:21not ratedCD1987
SagaAngelThe Works4:20not ratedCD1991
SagaAs I AmThe Works5:16not ratedCD1991
SagaAs I AmThe Beginner's Guide To Throwing Shapes5:17not ratedCD1989
SagaAshes To Ashes (Chapter 11)The Chapters - Live4:48not ratedCD2005
SagaAshes To Ashes (Chapter 11)House Of Cards5:06not ratedCD2001
SagaBack To The ShadowsTrust5:11not ratedCD2006
SagaBack Where We StartedNetwork4:18not ratedCD2004
SagaBack Where We Started (5.1 Mix)Network4:18not ratedCD2004
SagaBelieveNetwork4:56not ratedCD2004

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