Complete list of durbinnj's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Helloïsewasted timeFata Morgana5:09not ratedCD2001
Helloïsewings of an angelFata Morgana7:39not ratedCD2001
Helloïseworld of make believeFata Morgana5:25not ratedCD2001
HelloweenLocomotive BreathClassic Rock: Classic Cuts No. 73:56not ratedCD1999
HelloweenMirror, MirrorClassic Rock: Maximum Volume!3:44not ratedCD2000
HelloweenMirror, MirrorClassic Rock: A Right Earful0:45not ratedCD2000
HelloweenMrs. GodClassic Rock: 15 Great Tracks!2:54not ratedCD2006
HellsongsJumpClassic Rock: Songbook Vol.13:38not ratedCD2008
HellsuckersMad ChineseClassic Rock: Sons Of Guns3:20not ratedCD2006
HelmetBad MoonHelmet2:11not ratedCD1994
HelmetDistractedHelmet3:24not ratedCD1994
HelmetFBLAHelmet2:41not ratedCD1994
HelmetNeuroticaHelmet5:45not ratedCD1994
HelmetRepitionHelmet3:13not ratedCD1994
HelmetRudeHelmet4:27not ratedCD1994
HelmetSinatraHelmet4:46not ratedCD1994
HelmetUnsungHelmet3:54not ratedCD1994
HelmetWhat They SayHelmet4:57not ratedCD1994
HelmetYour HeadHelmet3:22not ratedCD1994
Help YourselfAlabama LadyHelp Yourself / Beware The Shadow4:05not ratedCD1971
Help YourselfAlley Cat55:39not ratedCD2004
Help YourselfAmerican MotherHelp Yourself / Beware The Shadow7:49not ratedCD1971
Help YourselfAmyStrange Affair / The Return Of Ken Whaley / Happy Days4:19not ratedCD1972
Help YourselfBlown AwayStrange Affair / The Return Of Ken Whaley / Happy Days4:24not ratedCD1972
Help YourselfBrown LadyStrange Affair / The Return Of Ken Whaley / Happy Days4:44not ratedCD1972

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