Complete list of durbinnj's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Guns N' RosesWhole Lotta RosieLive USA3:59not ratedCD1992
Guns N' RosesWhole Lotta RosieLive USA 19893:59not ratedCD1992
Guns N' RosesYesterdaysLive USA 1988/19913:34not ratedCD1993
Guns N' RosesYesterdaysLive USA3:34not ratedCD1992
Guns N' RosesYesterdaysLive Era '87 - '933:52not ratedCD1999
Guns N' RosesYesterdaysGreatest Hits3:16not ratedCD2004
Guns N' RosesYesterdaysUse Your Illusion II3:16not ratedCD1991
Guns N' RosesYesterdays (Live - American Music Awards 1992)Transmissions3:17not ratedCD2007
Guns N' RosesYou Ain't The FirstUse Your Illusion I2:36not ratedCD1991
Guns N' RosesYou Can't Put Your Arms Around A Memory"The Spaghetti Incident?"3:35not ratedCD1993
Guns N' RosesYou Could Be MineUse Your Illusion II5:43not ratedCD1991
Guns N' RosesYou Could Be MineLive Era '87 - '936:02not ratedCD1999
Guns N' RosesYou Could Be MineLive USA 1988/19915:55not ratedCD1993
Guns N' RosesYou Could Be MineLive USA5:55not ratedCD1992
Guns N' RosesYou Could Be MineGreatest Hits5:43not ratedCD2004
Guns N' RosesYou're CrazyG N' R Lies4:10not ratedCD1988
Guns N' RosesYou're CrazyLive Era '87 - '934:45not ratedCD1999
Guns N' RosesYou're CrazyLive USA3:09not ratedCD1992
Guns N' RosesYou're CrazyLive & Alive '936:09not ratedCD1994
Guns N' RosesYou're CrazyAppetite For Destruction3:17not ratedCD1987
Guns N' RosesYou're CrazyLive USA 1988/19913:09not ratedCD1993
GunslingerBlitzkrieg BabyEarthquake In E Minor4:05not ratedCD2008
GunslingerCyanideEarthquake In E Minor4:50not ratedCD2008
GunslingerDon't Need YouEarthquake In E Minor3:43not ratedCD2008
GunslingerGoing In Foe The KillEarthquake In E Minor2:53not ratedCD2008

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