Kon Kan
Move to Move

Kon Kan - Move to Move

  • Release date: 1989
  • Genre: Pop
  • Format: CD
  • Category: misc
  • Duration: 54:05
  • *****
  • Added March 17, 2004
  • Rated March 29, 2020


1. Arts in D Minor/Harry Houdininot rated6:42
2. Bite the Bulletnot rated4:27
3. Move to Movenot rated4:39
4. I can't answer thatnot rated3:48
5. I beg your pardon (I never promised you a Rose Garden)not rated4:02
6. Am I in lovenot rated5:06
7. Glue & Firenot rated4:08
8. It doesn't matternot rated3:51
9. Puss & Boots - These Bootsnot rated3:46
10. Arts in D Minor/Harry Houdini (Justin Strauss 12"Remixnot rated6:51
11. I beg your pardon (12" remix)not rated6:40

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