The Velvet Underground (9 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
The Velvet UndergroundBootleg Series Volume I_ The Quine TapesMP32001not rated3:50:02
The Velvet UndergroundLive at End Cole Avenue (DiscMP31993not rated1:33:26
The Velvet UndergroundLoadedMP31990not rated1:16:20
The Velvet UndergroundPeel Slowly and SeeMP31995not rated6:21:48
The Velvet UndergroundQuine Tapes 1MP32001not rated1:12:48
The Velvet UndergroundScotch Recording TapeMP31995not rated1:18:11
The Velvet UndergroundThe Velvet UndergroundMP31969not rated1:15:35
The Velvet UndergroundUnknownMP3not rated22:52
The Velvet UndergroundWhite Light/White HeatMP31996not rated39:56