Leonard Cohen (12 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Leonard CohenDeath of a Ladies' ManMP31990not rated42:30
Leonard CohenField Commander Cohen: Tour of 1979MP32001not rated1:03:00
Leonard CohenI'm Your ManMP31990not rated40:58
Leonard CohenI'm Your ManMP3not rated41:22
Leonard CohenNew Skin for the Old CeremonyMP31996not rated37:47
Leonard CohenRecent SongsMP31979not rated52:56
Leonard CohenSongs From a RoomMP31990not rated35:32
Leonard CohenSongs of Leonard CohenMP31991not rated41:31
Leonard CohenSongs of Love and HateMP31971not rated44:32
Leonard CohenThe Best of Leonard CohenMP31975not rated46:51
Leonard CohenThe FutureMP31992not rated59:41
Leonard CohenUnknownMP3not rated1:22:57