Complete list of dtjesus's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
TherionIn RememberanceA'arab Zaraq Lucid Dreaming6:28not ratedMP31997
TherionIn the Desert of SetTheli5:29not ratedMP31997
TherionInterludiumTheli1:47not ratedMP31997
TherionInvocation of NaamahTheli5:31not ratedMP31997
TherionKali Yuga, Pt. 1Sirius B3:27not ratedMP32004
TherionKali Yuga, Pt. 2Sirius B5:48not ratedMP32004
TherionLemuriaLemuria4:15not ratedMP32004
TherionMelek TausSirius B5:32not ratedMP32004
TherionMorning StarVovin3:34not ratedMP31998
TherionNightside of EdenTheli7:31not ratedMP31997
TherionO FortunaDeggial3:22not ratedMP32000
TherionOpus EclipseTheli3:41not ratedMP31997
TherionPowerdanceSymphony Masses- Ho Drakon Ho Megas3:08not ratedMP31993
TherionPreludiumTheli1:43not ratedMP31997
TherionProcreation of EternitySymphony Masses- Ho Drakon Ho Megas4:06not ratedMP31993
TherionQuetzalcoatlLemuria3:47not ratedMP32004
TherionRaven of DispersionVovin5:57not ratedMP31998
TherionSeven Secrets of the SphinxDeggial3:35not ratedMP32000
TherionShip of LunaDeggial6:28not ratedMP32000
TherionSirius BSirius B3:43****MP32004
TherionSon of the Staves of TimeGothic Kabbalah5:11*** 1/2MP32007
TherionSon of the SunSirius B5:36not ratedMP32004
TherionSymphoni Draconis InferniSymphony Masses- Ho Drakon Ho Megas2:34not ratedMP31993
TherionSymphony of the DeadA'arab Zaraq Lucid Dreaming3:39not ratedMP31997
TherionThe Blood of KinguSirius B5:45not ratedMP32004

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